Quickstart - build your own integration

This page will guide a developer to build an integration module to be used with the Integration Bridge, using the Symphony-Zapier integration as example:


Installation prerequisites:

  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven 3.0.5+
  • Node 6.10+
  • Gulp (globally installed)
  • Webpack (globally installed)

Symphony Pod access prerequisites:

  • Access to a Symphony Pod to be used for development and testing purposes
    • User Account (username/password credentials)
    • Service Account (*.p12 User Identity certificate and certificate password)
    • Symphony API (Agent, Pod, Sessionauth, Keymanager) endpoints (ask your Symphony Pod Administrator), reachable from your current workstation
  • .p12 file is located in a local certs/ folder (make sure you add certs/ in your .gitignore file) and password is validated (use the command openssl pkcs12 -info -in <certname.p12>)
  • an env.sh file is located in the root location of the project and contains all Symphony Pod endpoints and passwords mentioned above; start from env.sh.sample running cp local-run/env.sh.sample env.sh

Creating the code repository

Clone the source repository of an existing integration to use as skeleton or start from scratch.

git clone git@github.com:symphonyoss/App-Integrations-Zapier.git
cd App-Integrations-Zapier
mvn clean install

Run locally

Make sure that:

  • certs/ folder contains a .p12 file
  • env.sh values are all validated (see above)

To start the integration locally, just invoke ./run.sh from the project root directory.

This command will create an application.yaml file in the project root folder, using local-run/application.yaml.template as template.

Expose local endpoint to a public host

In order to be able to create the app in the Foundation pod, you must provide a public App Url; you can use ngrok (or similar) to tunnel your local connection and expose it via a public DNS:

ngrok http 8080

Your local port 8080 is now accessible via <dynamic_id>.ngrok.io

If you have a paid subscription, you can also use

ngrok http -subdomain=my.static.subdomain 8080

Add your locally running application to the Symphony Market

Adjust your bundle.json located src/main/webapp/ with the URL you are exposing via ngrok, the configuration and bot id’s, and the application context.

**Note: The team is working on a integration-provisioning module that will automate this process; until further notice, please contact Symphony Support to get your configuration and bot id’s.

For the application context, it should match what you have on application-zapier.yml

For instance, see apps/zapier present in the URL’s for the controller.html and appstore-logo.png, as well as in the context query parameter for the controller:

  "applications": [
      "type": "sandbox",
      "id": "devZapierWebHookIntegration",
      "name": "Zapier",
      "blurb": "Zapier Webhook Integration in Development Mode",
      "publisher": "Symphony",
      "url": "https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/apps/zapier/controller.html?configurationId=58598bf8e4b057438e69f517&botUserId=346621040656485&id=devZapierWebHookIntegration&context=apps/zapier",
      "icon": "https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/apps/zapier/img/appstore-logo.png",
      "domain": ".ngrok.io"

Access the application icon on your browser to make sure it works and to accept any unsafe certificates (if necessary). In the above example, the URL to acces is https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/img/appstore-logo.png.

Run your application again as indicated above, to get the new bundle.js information packaged.

Launch the Symphony client on your browser, adding your bundle.js as path of the query parameters in the URL. For instance, using the Foundation Dev Pod with the above ngrok sample URL: https://foundation-dev.symphony.com?bundle=https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/apps/zapier/bundle.json.

Access the Symphony Market on the browser, and you should be notified to allow unauthorized apps. That is your development app added through bundle.json. Accept the notification and you should see your application in the application list, with the name and description provided in the bundle.json.

Developing your own webhook configuration flow

The application added to the Symphony Market is commonly referred to as the Configurator Application, as it allows the user to configure the webhooks for a 3rd party integration.

Zapier Configurator Application is based on the out-of-the-box flow provided by App-Integrations-FE-Commons, which includes a complete set of views that allow users to manage the webhooks for an integration. Zapier Configurator App implementation involves the following files, and it is based on the out-of-the-box-configurator sample:

It is also possible to customize the views and flows for your Configurator App. Check the posting-location sample for an example on how to do that.

Running with Intellij


Application healthcheck

To validate if your application were bootstrapped successfully you can reach on the application health check using the URL http://localhost:8080/integration/health

The application health will indicate the connectivity and compatibility for each service you want to communicate like POD, Key Manager, and Agent. You also could check the application health, the configurator URL’s, application flags, and latest posted message timestamp.

This is the result from healthcheck:

  "status": "UP",
  "message": "Success",
  "version": "0.13.0-SNAPSHOT",
  "services": {
    "Agent": {
      "connectivity": "UP",
      "currentVersion": "1.46.0",
      "minVersion": "1.44.0",
      "compatibility": "OK"
    "POD": {
      "connectivity": "UP",
      "currentVersion": "1.46.0",
      "minVersion": "1.44.0",
      "compatibility": "OK"
    "Key Manager": {
      "connectivity": "UP",
      "currentVersion": "1.46.0",
      "minVersion": "1.44.0",
      "compatibility": "OK"
  "applications": [
      "name": "zapier",
      "version": "0.13.0-SNAPSHOT",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "message": "Success",
      "configurator": {
        "loadUrl": "https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/apps/zapier/controller.html",
        "iconUrl": "https://d74a790c.ngrok.io/apps/zapier/img/appstore-logo.png"
      "flags": {
        "parser_installed": "OK",
        "configurator_installed": "OK",
        "certificate_installed": "OK",
        "user_authenticated": "OK"
      "latestPostTimestamp": "2017-05-29T16:30:44Z-0300"

YAML Configuration File


Build a new integration


Build the Configurator APP


Inspect incoming payloads


MessageML v2