
Operations related to connections to a Symphony pod.


(agent-version c)

Returns the version of the Symphony agent at the other end of the given connection, as a string in major.minor.bugfix format.


(connect params)

Connect to a Symphony pod as a given service account user. Returns a ‘connection’ object that should be used in all subsequent API calls.

params is a map containing:

Key Description
:pod-id The id of the pod to connect to - will autopopulate whichever of the 4 URLs aren’t provided. (optional - see below)
:session-auth-url The URL of the session authentication endpoint. (optional - see below)
:key-auth-url The URL of the key authentication endpoint. (optional - see below)
:agent-api-url The URL of the agent API. (optional - see below)
:pod-api-url The URL of the Pod API. (optional - see below)
:trust-store A pair of strings containing the path to the trust store and the password of the trust store. (mandatory)
:user-cert A pair of strings containing the path to the bot user’s certificate and the password of that certificate. (mandatory)
:user-email The email address of the bot user. (mandatory)

Note: if :pod-id is not provided, :session-auth-url and :key-auth-url and :agent-api-url and :pod-api-url are all mandatory.


(disconnect c)

Disconnect from a Symphony pod. The connection object should be discarded after this method is called.


(pod-version c)

Returns the version of the Symphony pod at the other end of the given connection, as a string in major.minor.bugfix format.


deprecated in 0.5.0

(version c)

Deprecated - please use pod-version instead.