All calls into Symphony host systems require authorization and session keys.
In order to obtain keys, the application requires the following:
The SDK makes it easy to generate authorization tokens through use of the AuthenticationClient. With this said, the fastest way is to both initialize and generate a client instance is using the SymphonyClientConfig. This config will search for and load all required properties from properties file, jvm options or environment variables. The key properties are:
-Dsessionauth.url=https://(company name)
-Dkeyauth.url=https://(company name) user email address)
-Duser.cert.password=(Bot user certificat password)
-Duser.cert.file=(Bot user p12 certificate file)
-Dtruststore.file=(CA Root cert file)
-Dpod.url=https://(company name)
-Dagent.url=https://(local agent server fqdn):8446/agent
If loading from a properties file use:
-Dsymphony.config.file=(config file)
If using environment variables, set property names to uppercase and replace “.” with “_“*:
user.cert.file => USER_CERT_FILE
To create a session and initialize a client instance:
try {
//Create a bootstrap configuration, which will load properities for you..
SymphonyClientConfig symphonyClientConfig = new SymphonyClientConfig(true);
//Create a basic client instance
SymphonyClient symClient = SymphonyClientFactory.getClient(SymphonyClientFactory.TYPE.V4, symphonyClientConfig);
} catch (InitException e) {
logger.error("error", e);
The client will automatically generate the tokens necessary to access both the POD and Agent Server. If you need access to these tokens, there is an object called SymAuth which holds both the session and key manager tokens. You can retrieve this object through the client:
SymAuth symAuth = symClient.getSymAuth();
In the event that you require a different http connectivity requirements, such as a proxy or ignoring server cert validation, the AuthorizationClient class supports using a custom HttpClient through the following constructor.
AuthorizationClient(SessionURL, KeyauthURL, HttpClient)
To help in creating a custom http client, the SDK provides a helper utility which also removes the need to set certificate keystores in the AuthorizationClient. The org.symphonyoss.client.impl.CustomHttpClient provides static methods to instantiate custom http client with custom properties.
try {
//Proxy config example
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
clientConfig.connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());, "https://wwwproxy:8080"); //Or change to http..etc.
Client httpClient = CustomHttpClient.getClient(clientKeyStore,clientKeyStorePass,trustStore,trustStorePass,clientConfig);
AuthorizationClient authClient = new AuthorizationClient(
//Create a SymAuth which holds both key and session tokens. This will call the external service.
SymAuth symAuth = authClient.authenticate();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to obtain auth...",e);
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